Friday, July 18, 2008

They are getting so Big!

So our little Jaron had his first solid food last night. Rice Cereal! Very exciting. They call it a solid, because it is, compared to what he has been having, but it really could be sucked easily through a straw if one wanted to. In any case, he loved it! Ellie thought it was pretty fun too, in fact a little while later she was sitting eating a fig newton, and was like, "this is my first food" all cute with this sneaky smile. She cracks me up. So it was pretty entertaining because every time I had the spoon over him, he would start kicking and bouncing and spill it everywhere. Silly boy. We were really hoping that this would help him sleep through the night, because he still isn't, but then he woke up at his usual midnight, but after a scream and a feeding he slept for 8 hours yeah! So I know I titled this one "They are getting so big" and that is because the other very exciting news is that Ellie is Potty Trained! Hurray! She has been in big girl panties for almost 2 weeks now and we are very proud of her! Well, we don't have any pictures of that but we do have a little video of the rice cereal extravaganza. Enjoy!

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