Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ohh Mexico

Mexico is going great! We drove in on Monday and crossing the border went super smooth-no stops, yeah! We spent the first day just getting settled and getting tacos. Once before dinner, then once after putting the kids to bed, I mean, you can’t beat ‘em! Well, today was the first work day, and it has been going really well as far as I understand. The only mishap, was poor Rich, who when opening a five gallon bucket of primer, it splashed in his eyes, not too fun, that stuff is sticky! So we tried to rinse them best we could, then he had to toss his contacts and move to glasses for a while. The kids are doing pretty well, schedules are a bit whacked but they’ll survive. Also, Jaron’s skin is kind of freakin’ out. I don’t know if it’s from the heat or what, but I’m sure it will mend as well. All to say, it’s going pretty well, I mean, I just love Mexico so much and it feels like home when I get here, so even if things don’t go great, I am just happy to be here. (And eat tacos daily) Ellie's still taking pictures, which is cute. If you've ever been to the Ranch, you'll appreciate the picture of Snoopy Rock. Okay, well since both kids are finally asleep, I am going to try to catch a nap too. Oh, the joys of skylights-no sleeping in for anyone.

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