Saturday, November 1, 2008

One Good Dad

The celebrations continue! The Joshua students got to have their own dress-up night on Thursday. So Ellie got her chance to be Annie from the Little Einsteins. Of course, no one knew who that was and it's not a super obvious costume anyway, but she got to carry a microphone, and she loved that. Jaron was a duck again, but learned some cool tricks, like balancing a spoon on his nose, and I dressed up as Rich. I was not alone in dressing as a staff person, so we took a picture of the "staff". And poor Rich, had great intentions of dressing as a gorilla, but Ellie was so scared that she almost did not go up to Joshua, and then once there, wanted to stay in the car until I checked to make sure he was not wearing it. So he sacrificed and did not dress up, all for our little Ellie. Of course some of the Joshua student's costumes were pretty freaky, like the Joker from the most recent Batman, but they were good about avoiding Ellie so she would not get scared. And it worked, because we had no meltdowns while there. It was a fun night.

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