Friday, June 6, 2008


Well, as most of you know, I go walking with a bunch of moms every morning around the lake and we call ourselves the ATMs-All Terrain Moms! It is a fabulous time to get out of the house, get some excersize, talk with other moms, and get some sun. We finally stopped and took a picture of just a few of us. There are probably 11-13 moms who go, but not all at the same time. All the kids have there own things they like to do. One likes to throw anything throwable out of the stroller, some insist on having a stick to hold, some are more concerned with snacks, and some fall asleep. We always get comments and stares from passerbys, people just love to see that many kiddos getting free rides. The moms usually talk about the latest reality show, the latest housing move, or the latest thing we are learning in scripture and with our kids. We've shared every labor story and tips on child rearing that we can think of. It's a blast, to say the least! Hopefully we will have shirts made sometime soon!

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