Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not Just a Day in the Park

Some moms put together a thing at the park on Wednesday mornings that we just went to this morning. It is a time for the kids to play together and have a snack and for the moms to hang out. Well during our time there, a helicopter kept flying over, and the kids were all excited to see it. And since there have been fires in the distant area, we figured it was for those. The kids were having a great time playing in the sand, sliding, swinging and just being kids. What we didn't know was that just a little while before, Hume had gotten a call from the Buckrock lookout that there was a fire in Wildwood, they thought it looked like someone had lit the needledump. Oh, did I mention the Joshua students are staying at Wildwood this week. So when one of the maintenance guys rushed by Rich to the needledump, Rich followed, well, no fire there. So they continued around the camp to see if there were any firepits with fires in them, nope, but that's when they saw it, just over the hill. So Rich and Kirk ran to it to start clearing brush with their hands until more help could come. The students were out in the woods having solo time, and when one ran up to him, Rich's first question was, "did you start this?" and the kid was like, "no". Then after several minutes of clearing, the kid said "is this going to be out of control?" and Rich was like "maybe" and the kid was like "I might have started it." The fire crews were there, the helicopter was there within like 10 or so minutes to dump water from overhead. It turns out that during the students extended solo time last night, this one kid had decided to build a little fire, of course he insisted that he had put it all out. Well, apparently it was not ALL out, because now he has had to be investigated and will probably be very heavily fined. Well by lunch time, when I was mosying to the dining hall, I got some strange comments, like, "busy morning, huh, well they just have some mopping to do" I was like, "what are you talking about" Then I was told that there was a fire right outside of Wildwood. Then I was told that Rich was the first one there and had been fighting it all morning, but that it was under control now. My heart was pounding with this strange mixture of anxiety and relief. So after lunch we drove up to Wildwood, only to find Rich in the high ropes course, carrying on with business as usual. Figures! In a couple days we can probably go out to the site and hopefully take some pictures, but here are a few that someone got. So as Ellie was going to bed tonight, I whispered to tell her daddy, "goodnight hero" and she translated that as "Super, super job dad". Get it, super hero, she's crazy! But really, it's kinda funny, but he really is a hero, and really did do a super job, and we love him! His favorite part by the way, was when all the other fire fighters were like ,"duck" and he and Dallas looked up to see the water being dropped from the helicopter and it was so awesome and surreal, only to be followed by gallons of water dumping on them.

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